21 hours ago
Friday, 6 November 2009
Camera Critters - A Cautionary Tale
This was going to be the post in which I introduced our newest fur baby, Shamus. Instead I want to use it as a way of educating others and, hopefully, prevent another tragedy.
We got Shamus at 6 weeks, just 4 days before Meesha passed away. Much to my surprise, Meesha was very tolerant of the little fellow, even mothering him a little, as can be seen by the photo below.
Sadly, last weekend, on the day that he was due to get his puppy shots, Shamus was diagnosed instead with Parvo. He passed just after midnight on Sunday.
He was such a cute wee boy ... a mixture of Schnauzer, Poodle and Dachshund. He was intelligent and full of energy and we were rather looking forward to seeing what he would grow into.
As you can see, he was making himself at home and knew how to get comfortable..
His new big brother, was also beginning to show a fondness for the little scamp..
Here comes the cautionary bit...
We had done all the right things. The vet advised us not to get his shots till he was 8 weeks old. We kept him away from other dogs. Both of our other dogs had been immunised.
So the diagnosis of Parvo was rather a shock. Unfortunately, we do live in an area where there are high incidences of this horrible disease. People also walk their dogs and don't bother picking up their poop. There is also a possibility that a dog living near us also had this disease.
According to the vet, one of us may have carried the virus inside on our shoes as Parvo can remain in the environment for months. We would not even have had to walk through fresh dog poop. Poop that had turned to dust might have contaminated the ground.
I've gone through a lot of emotions over this past week ...grieving the loss of another furry member of our family .... feeling guilty that I didn't do enough .... coping with the grief that Sparky, our surviving dog, is obviously feeling.
I don't know what the future hold as to another puppy or dog. Right now I can't even think about something like that..
We need to wait another 6 - 9 months before we can even consider bringing another puppy into our family, because of the contamination from Parvo. I have bleached everything that I can bleach, so I'm pretty sure that we are fairly virus free.
Even though Sparky has had his shots, he is an old dog, so I've been on tender hooks as far as his health goes. I'm starting to relax a little, but the paranoia is still just below the surface.
I know that IF we ever get another puppy of dog, he or she will not be allowed out of the house until well after their shots have been completed and there WILL be a spray bottle of bleach solution outside and anybody walking into the house will be spraying the soles of their shoes. That simple little precaution may have made a difference to Shamus... however, it was something we never even thought about. In fact, most people that I've spoken to, don't even realise that you can track the virus inside on your footwear.
It has been a hard lesson to learn...
So once again, I find myself saying .. Rest In Peace little one ...you will not be forgotten..
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Skywatch Friday - Balloons Over Reno...
A couple of weeks ago, The Great Reno Balloon Races, were held here in Reno. On the Sunday morning, a friend,her daughter and I went up Rancho San Rafael Park, to watch the mass ascension.
Instead of going to the park itself, we went up on the hill behind it. The view was incredible, with the balloons ascending in front of us and then coming low over our heads to land on the other side of where we were.
Here are a few photos I took of the event. The first two were taken with my film SLR camera, but came out a bit faded. I've since been told about poloroid filters and how they brighten a photo, especially landscapes. I've bought one and look forward to playing with it :-)
The balloon carrying the American flag taken against the rising sun..
The fly past ...aren't quite sure what type of planes they are..
Smokey the Bear didn't stay up very long. :-)
The two balloons carrying the American flag and the Nevada state flag. They'd already started rolling up the Nevada flag as I snapped this shot. Even as a Kiwi, I got a lump in my throat as I watched these two balloons rice and gracefully float over us, as 'God Bless America and 'The Stars and Stripes' were sung.
The Mass Ascension begins...
'Wanna Hug??' :-)
Beautiful, colourful balloon...
Balloons swooping in low to drop a bean bag on a target that was stretched out on the ground. This was happening just yards in front of us and was fascinating to watch..
Balloons coming in to land directly across the road from where we were standing..
Walking the balloon down the slope..
Makes me chuckle the way the lady in front, is hanging on for dear to the basket supports :-)
All in all, it was rather a fun morning. :-) I have some more that I took the day before, when I was chasing them all over downtown Reno, where they were landing in the most interesting places !!
Have a great weekend :-)
Go to SKYWATCH for views of the sky from all over the world !
hot air balloons,
reno balloon races
Friday, 23 October 2009
Camera Critters - My Meesha
Meesha, telling me to hurry up, when we were fossil hunting in the NV desert, early this summer..
I'm reposting this, which I wrote this last Monday, the 19th. I wanted to share it with you all as a tribute to my beloved and brave Meesha.
It's been 5 days now since she crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. I miss her so much. I think, that until now, I hadn't realised that grief could actually make your heart hurt.
Meesha was so much part of our family. She was born in our home, so, as somebody mentioned yesterday, I have known her from cradle to grave.
She and I had a connection that was really special ... she was my shadow and my best friend.
I know that in time this crushing pain will ease. I also have so many happy memories of her to look back on and I have faith that in time I will see her again....
Anyway ... this was what I wrote on Monday..
R.I.P My Beautiful Meesha
As you have probably noticed, I haven't been posting lately. It's been a combination of my hubby being out of work, being ill with the H1N1 flu and one of our fur babies being very ill. I've been doing some intensive nursing at home, trying to help our wonderful girl win her battle with cancer.
Sadly today, in the early afternoon, our beautiful and courageous Meesha lost her fight. She passed away in my husband's arms.
Right now, my heart is full of pain ... but there is some comfort in the fact that she is now on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, running free and probably chasing butterflies.
It hurts so much to say goodbye, Meesha. I knew this day was coming, but it doesn't make it any easier or make the tears stop.
I shall so miss looking into those beautiful, big brown eyes and seeing the love shining out of them.
I shall so miss seeing you running through the house, with that comical, wide-eyed look on your face, when you thought you had lost sight of me.
I shall so miss the excitement you showed, when I walked in the door after being at work or shopping.
I shall so miss cuddling my face into your soft, warm body..
I shall so miss you...
Thank you so much, my beloved baby, for the 12 years of unconditional love that you gave your Mum and Dad. We shall so miss you, but we are grateful that you are now at peace.
Rest In Peace, beautiful one ... you will never be forgotten.
At the river, this summer, before she got really sick. Look at that happy look on her face and that furiously wagging tail. She'd just caught sight of me. :-)
Beautiful doggy smile. :-)
I so loved her colouring, that you can see in these two photos..
One of my favourite photos of her, taken at the beginning of summer, when we went fossil hunting in the old Lake Lahontan bed. You can't see her closely, but this little dog, standing there surveying awesomeness of the desert and sky, just makes me smile..
Yesterday, Sunday, the last full day of her life, we took all three down to the local lake. Meesha managed to walk part of the way, but spent most of the ride in the bike trailer. She had such a happy look on her face and even barked at another dog. I'm so glad she had that.
Love you, now and for ever, baby girl...
camera critters,
Skywatch Friday - Cloudy Skies
The skies around these parts have been rather gloomy, this last week or so. Sort of matched my mood..
Makes for interesting clouds though !!!
Anyway, I am now back. Thank you to those who emailed me wondering where I was. Sorry I did not get back to you, but I was dealing with my own illness (freakin' pig flu) and the serious illness of my beloved fur baby, Meesha, who passed away last Monday.
Next week I'll post some photos I took, early morning, of the balloons at the Great Reno Balloon Race.
Go to SKYWATCH for views of the sky from all over the world !
cloudy skies,
Monday, 19 October 2009
R.I.P My beautiful Meesha...
As you have probably noticed, I haven't been posting lately. It's been a combination of my hubby being out of work and one of our fur babies being very ill. I've been doing some intensive nursing at home, trying to help our wonderful girl win her battle with cancer.
Sadly today, in the early afternoon, our beautiful and courageous Meesha lost her fight. She passed away in my husband's arms.
Right now, my heart is full of pain ... but there is some comfort in the fact that she is now on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, running free and probably chasing butterflies.
It hurts so much to say goodbye, Meesha. I knew this day was coming, but it doesn't make it any easier or make the tears stop.
I shall so miss looking into those beautiful, big brown eyes and seeing the love shining out of them.
I shall so miss seeing you running through the house, with that comical, wide-eyed look on your face, when you thought you had lost sight of me.
I shall so miss the excitement you showed, when I walked in the door after being at work or shopping.
I shall so miss cuddling my face into your soft, warm body..
I shall so miss you...
Thank you so much, my beloved baby, for the 12 years of unconditional love that you gave your Mum and Dad. We shall so miss you, but we are grateful that you are now at peace.
Rest In Peace, beautiful one ... you will never be forgotten.
At the river, this summer, before she got really sick. Look at that happy look on her face and that furiously wagging tail. She'd just caught sight of me. :-)
Beautiful doggy smile. :-)
I so loved her colouring, that you can see in these two photos..
Yesterday, Sunday, the last full day of her life, we took all three down to the local lake. Meesha managed to walk part of the way, but spent most of the ride in the bike trailer. She had such a happy look on her face and even barked at another dog. I'm so glad she had that.
Love you, now and for ever, baby girl...
Sadly today, in the early afternoon, our beautiful and courageous Meesha lost her fight. She passed away in my husband's arms.
Right now, my heart is full of pain ... but there is some comfort in the fact that she is now on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, running free and probably chasing butterflies.
It hurts so much to say goodbye, Meesha. I knew this day was coming, but it doesn't make it any easier or make the tears stop.
I shall so miss looking into those beautiful, big brown eyes and seeing the love shining out of them.
I shall so miss seeing you running through the house, with that comical, wide-eyed look on your face, when you thought you had lost sight of me.
I shall so miss the excitement you showed, when I walked in the door after being at work or shopping.
I shall so miss cuddling my face into your soft, warm body..
I shall so miss you...
Thank you so much, my beloved baby, for the 12 years of unconditional love that you gave your Mum and Dad. We shall so miss you, but we are grateful that you are now at peace.
Rest In Peace, beautiful one ... you will never be forgotten.
At the river, this summer, before she got really sick. Look at that happy look on her face and that furiously wagging tail. She'd just caught sight of me. :-)
Beautiful doggy smile. :-)
I so loved her colouring, that you can see in these two photos..
Yesterday, Sunday, the last full day of her life, we took all three down to the local lake. Meesha managed to walk part of the way, but spent most of the ride in the bike trailer. She had such a happy look on her face and even barked at another dog. I'm so glad she had that.
Love you, now and for ever, baby girl...
Saturday, 18 July 2009
Camera Critters - My Newest Grandbaby :-)
Meet Ruben, the newest addition to my daughter's family. He's a 10 week old English Springer Spaniel.
My daughter sent me these photos..
Looking innocent. :-)
He just loves his Mummy....
Apparently, a typical early morning scene, in my daughter's household, now goes something like this ....
'MUM !! DAD !!! GET UP !! GET UP !!!' (with much excited bouncing on heads...)
'Ruben, it's 6am Sunday morning!!' (vain attempt to pull blankets over heads...)
'Ruben, Farmer Brown's rooster is on the other side of the airport, you can't possibly hear him, now go to sleep !!'
'Okay, Ruben, I'm up !!'
Which explains why my daughter was up and about at 7am, last Sunday, when I phoned her. Just like she was when the human grand kids were babies. :-)
He is a cutie though...
Have a great weekend all !!!
UPDATE ...Apparently, according to my daughter's comment ...he's an English Cocker Spaniel and is 16 weeks old, now... :-)
camera critters,
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Skywatch Friday - An Ant View Of The Sky
Haven't been out much, this week, to look for photo opportunities for SWF ... plus there hasn't been much going on in our skies this week.
There are two wildfire's burning on the other side of the city. Hopefully they will have them under control soon and the personal fighting the fires remain safe. Also, that no homes are lost.
The smoke in the air does lead to some spectacular sunrises and sunsets, though.
Anyway ... I was looking at my small garden, early this morning and I noticed there were quite a few ants scurrying around...
So me , being me ... got to wondering what an ant's view of the sky would be like ...
I think my neighbours are quite used to my strange antics, when it comes to photography, by now. So I guess none of them got the urge to call the men in white coats, this morning, at the sight of me, in my pyjamas, half upside down in my vege garden...
(Click on any photo to enlatge)
What an ant, in my corn patch, sees when looking up...
Sometimes it gets to see more than it bargained for ...as I did, when I downloaded this shot :-) Can you see the face? :-)
Have a great weekend :-)
Go to SKYWATCH for views of the sky from all over the world !
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Watery Wednesday - Fun On The River
I think I'm slowly getting the hang of my 35mm film SLR camera ... these were all taken with it, last week, when we went down to the Truckee River.
(Click on any photo to enlarge)
Kids looking for little fish in one of the pools of water off the Truckee...
View down the Truckee from one of the bridges..
The hubby, recapturing his childhood !!
One of the little rapids in the Truckee white water park....
Have a great week !!
Truckee River,
watery wednesday
Monday, 13 July 2009
My World Tuesday - Too much excitement for one week..
Things got a little exciting in my little corner of the world, last Friday.
Just before 10pm, I was outside looking at the garden, when I heard a siren going down our street. Looking up, I saw a huge billow of smoke, tinged with orange, in the night sky.
I yelled for the hubby and started down our driveway. About halfway down there was a large explosion that you could feel through the soles of your feet.
Once down on the street, we soon realised that the little corner store, near us, was on fire.
There is an apartment and storage area attached to it and that was what was burning.
Once there, I remembered my little digital was in my jeans pocket. The hubby obligingly offered his shoulder as a tripod, which made it a little easier to take the long exposures needed for night shots.
Most of them came out rather blurry, as unfortunately we both needed to keep breathing .... but these two shots came out reasonably blur free :-)
The first two photos look better if you keep them the size they are now. However you can click on the last two to enlarge.
The market just as we got there, with the back still fully engulfed in flames.
In this shot, the fireman had just chainsawed through the roof and flames were shooting out into the air. I felt rather nervous for the men up on the roof, as they were quite close to the flames. Made for quite a dramatic photo though..
The aftermath the next day. You can see how hot it got as the sign on the gate, to the right, melted..
I found the sign on the front door of the store, a little ironic. :-)
Friday night I sent in the best four photos to one of our local TV channels ..Channel 4 KRNV.
Much to my surprise, they emailed me back and said that they were going to use them.
Two of them can be found here and one here .
I will admit it was rather thrill to see them up there on the websites :-)
Now, go to MY WORLD TUESDAY where people from all over our globe , show off their little corner of the world !
el rancho market fire,
my world tuesday,
wrondel way
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Mellow Yellow Monday - Beauty can be found in small things :-)
My husband is getting in on the act, these days....or maybe I just have him well trained. :-)
We were walking back from the store the other day, when he suddenly stops, points and says, 'Mellow Yellow Monday.'
I looked at what he was pointing at, said 'Yes' and whipped my camera out of my pocket.
He stood there quite patiently waiting while I snapped away.
Have a great MYM and rest of the week. !!! :-)
day lilies,
gentry st,
mellow yellow monday,
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