Welcome to Nevada, fellow BATW travellers!!! This State has been my home since Christmas Day 1994. I'm originally from a little country down under, called New Zealand.
One of the first things you need to know about Nevada, is how to pronounce it. The mispronunciation of Nevada, is a sore subject to many Nevadans, as President Bush, Brian Williams, Tom Brokaw, to name a few, have found out. So for those of you who intend to visit Nevada and don't want to sound like a tourist, here's the correct pronunciation.....
Pheeewwww, it posted !!! YAAAAYYYY !!!
This was a journey. Blogger kept deleting my post. Grrrrrrr...
i loved your post, very informative and makes me want to take a trip. i love nevada. we used to frequent reno when i was a little girl. we loved staying at circus circus. we also loved going to lake tahoe. i can't wait for winter to come. it's way too hot here in LA.
Hey Karen - well done for getting the post up. Great tour of Navada - I've just watched that video twice as I kept getting the pronounciation wrong! Enjoy the blog crack. Will be back to have a proper snoop around tomorrow. Time for dinner, chores and bed down under.
Julie (www.domestic-executive.com)
What a great tour of Nevada! I had no idea I had been pronouncing it wrong... won't make that mistake again! :)
I loved all the Nevada facts too! (visiting from Los Angeles, CA)
It's interesting to hear about the "other side" of Nevada. All I know is the strip! Hawaii people seem to be obsessed with Las Vegas and don't venture much farther than the casinos.
Very nice looking part of the states... almost as gorgeous as our cute wee country 'down under' eh?
Thanks for the tour of Nevada! My parents live in Carson City, so we go back to visit frequently. Just how many state pententries does one state need?
Congrats on being featured today! Lovely Blog!!!
Hi from Arkansas. This was a wonderful post. Enjoy your day.
Here from Texas and BATW! What a great post of Nevada!! I've never been there but one day maybe I will get the opportunity to visit your wonderful state! Congratulations on being featured today!!
Great job!! I loved it and learned a lot!! Thanks for sharing and letting us all stop by on your day!
What a cool tour! I'm the one giggling in the back about the brothel burning down because of the angry wife:) I have never seen a desert-- it looks beautiful! I also had never heard of the ovens--these are surreal looking. Thanks for the tour!
That was so worth the wait! Fabulous! I loved every word of it. I had no idea about any of that let alone the mispronounciation of Nevada. As usual, Karen, that was so much fun to read. Thank you thank you thank you!
Balloon races, very cool !
Oh, Karen...I just have to tell you. No self-respecting southerner would ever say "Ne-VA-duh" of their own volition. Never. Nope. That sounds so Yankee...and we don't do Yankee, even for western states.
I will continue to say it wrong...because I'm southern and can get away with it, while looking mildly adorable.
Loved your post...as always...you are so famous!
p.s. I will be in "Ne-vah-da" in 2weeks...
Sending Hugs from Louisiana. Love your blog, the pictures or beautiful!
Sounds like Nevada is...well, interesting. I guess it makes sense though. It takes special people to live out in the desert like that, and I do mean that in a good way. =)
Wow....that was a terrific trip. I never knew about some of those places but I'm adding them to my list of things to see when we retire. It sounds like a very interesting place. I recognized those charcoal ovens. They're still being built in South America.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Oh silly Blogger .. it didn't like me on my BATW day either. Our blogs must both be shy :o)
Great post! I had no idea there was such a huge discussion over the pronunciation of Nevada .. I was worried I was going to be told I've been saying it wrong. I was relieved to find out I've been saying it right :o)
Whew... I love it :)
I actually saw something about Burning Man the other day :) I'll bet there are some spectacular photos of Nevada! Thanks for sharing :D
Greetings from Wisconsin. Congratulations on your BATW feature. I hope you enjoy your day in the sun.
Thanks for the lesson in pronouncing Nevada. I love Vegas and now, I won't offend the locals when I vacation there:-)
Gotta love Nevada. I have very good friends there and I like to visit them. Great post.
I had probably been mispronouncing it too, so I will be sure to get that right from now on! We visited Las Vegas a few years back to see Celine Dion perform, and I was amazed at how the landscape changed during the flight. All those canyons and deserts! It is amazing that we have so much diversity in our geography here in the U.S. Thanks for the tour of Reno!
Do you have a job with tourism of Nevada? If not then, you may have a new career! That was the best online tour! The pictures are amazing! Although I must say those wedding "chapels" in Reno are funny.
So much more to Nevada than Las Vegas!
Ok, so I have to ask. If the casino only allows gambling in the Nevada half, what do you do in the California half?
How many people outside tourists get married in the chapels? Is it fairly common, or do you still have lots of the more typical church/reception hall weddings?
Nice visiting your blog. I would love to visit there sometime in real life...
Happy BATW day!
WOW! Ms. Oklahoma here! What a great post! NeVAduh looks awesome! I've only been to Vegas (one time) and that was it...I'd love to see these places you posted pics of! Sounds like you are enjoying living there! Quite a change from New Zealand ??? Nice to meet ya!
Thanks for your tour!
Hey from New Orleans, LA! I've always said Nevada right, and I always thought I was wrong! Glad to know I was right all along! I didn't know Nevada had that much beauty to it! Great post!
I say it wrong....oops! Thanks for posting that and enjoy your BATW visitors today :D
I love Nevada... it is a beautiful state, and so diverse! Thanks for the information and the love!!!
I loved your post - so much information! I admit that I had to watch the video on how to pronounce Nevada - only because I didn't know the wrong way to say it. (Whew!) I hope you enjoy all of your comment love today!!
Hello from Georgia and BATW. I love visiting Nevada. I have been to Lake Tahoe and Las Vegas. I haven't been physically to Reno yet, although I felt like I had after reading your post. It sounds like a wonderful place. Congratulations on you spotlight!
Amy ;)
OK... I am packing my bags... Can I stay with you?
Super post! T
Hello from Idaho. I've only been to Vegas, never Reno. Although I have always wanted to see those balloon races and Lake Tahoe. We have some friends who recently moved there, so Reno may be in my near future. Thanks for sharing today, it was fun.
I always love stopping by your blog! You didn't disappoint today, but hey, you never do!
Thanks for the tour!
Great tour...love the video...I have been pronouncing it right, yeah me!
Hope to be visiting your State next vacation...beautiful pictures.
I had no idea that I was mispronuncing the name. And I'm with Lula...us southerners can get away with it :-)
And I so want to renew my vows with Elvis.
How you going Karen? I've never poured so much tea or served so much cake in one day at Domestic Executive HQ. I'm off to find hobbiton now I know where it is!
BATW rocks!
oooooh, fun! i've been to lake tahoe--on my honeymoon--but let me tell you, it was not fun--and only b/c my hubby and i don't gamble and he didn't research what we could do there (excet for the obvious--hint, hint!)
i've been to reno and that was intersting--my brother and his family just moved to vegas--he used to be in the marines and now does soemthing with contract work(who ever knows what those people do...)
what a great tour, and you foudn some awesome pictures to accompany your story. actually makes nevada look less like a desert than it actually is.
oh, and speaking of the proper pronunceation of the state...there is a town in eastern missouir called nevada...but it is pronounced with a short "a" sound--the sound the letter makes...i guess it is some indian word...since being there i've just always thought that the whole pronunciation of that word was a little funny. :)
Thanks for the tour! I've been through on a couple of occasions, but will have to spend more time to enjoy it properly. Loved the pictures! Enjoy your spotlight today!
I knew there had to be more to Nevada than Las Vegas. Thanks for the tour and the pronunciation guide. Everyone from Missouri calls it Missouruh. And I guess Colorado would be called Coloraaaaduh?
Loved reading about Nevada. I am a recently converted Nevadan thanks to Nellis Air Force Base. My hubby was transferred to and worked there until Jan of this year. We're now in CA only a few hours from Reno. I never thought I would say this but I miss Nevada. There are people from all walks of life and regions of the world there. Very multi-cultural and who doesn't love all the options for food and flavors.? Thanks for sharing I couldn't have said it better myself.
Nevada has some of my favorite places to visit! What could be prettier than Lake Tahoe -- summer or winter?
Greetings from the Central Coast of California!
Thanks so much for the tour! I'm hosting a Recipe Week this week, so if you're hungry, stop on by! Isn't BATW wonderful?
Oh! I've been waiting for this to come up!
Did you know there is a Nevada, Iowa?
And they say it: Neh- VAY -da
Not like Nevada or like Brian Williams. Their own quirky little pronunciation.
Can't make this stuff up! ;)
Thanks for the tour,
Yah, I say it right ;o)
Happy BATW day!
Lovely, absolutely lovely. The pictures you provided were perfect, especially the wedding ones! Who knew you could get married in a drive-thru, on a BIKE?!
Thanks for the fun trip. :)
I love the video! That was great! I have been to NeVAda multiple times and have enjoyed myself each time I have been there. My sister eloped to Reno! When moving to CA years ago,we stayed in Reno. I have been to Lake Tahoe on both the CA and NV sides! I have even gone to a wedding in Vegas! To top it off, when Frizzy and Bird lived in Vegas while Bird was in the Air Force he worked at Ellis. Hubby (Einstein) and I stayed with them and spent a little time on the base as well!
Thanks for a great post! Makes me miss that area every once in awhile!
I am visitin you via BATW from Illinois. (Remember, there is NO noise in Illinois!) We have the same issues with pronunciations!
Those pictures were beautiful. Thanks for the tour - I have never been to Nevada but would love to really visit.
Happy BATW day, Karen. Thanks for sharing with us the right way to say Nevada. I had no idea. Whenever I get married, I do want to go to Vegas. Just without the singing Elvis guy. I had no idea Burning Man was held in your state. I thought it was in New Mexico.
Hi from Louisiana! Thanks for the tour!
Great post. Thanks for the tour of Nevada.
Great post! I love Nevada (and not just Vegas!). It's such a pretty sate! Thanks for the tour!
Those landscapes are absolutely amazing! I've heard really great stuff about Reno, my parents visit there at least once a year. One of these days...
I think my husband may be a hobbit - his feet are rather furry and he hates being up high in an open sky!
Glad you're enjoying your BATW Day.
Whoops... I've been saying it wrong too!
I'd like to visit Lake Tahoe some day.
Great post! Enjoyed it!
That was a great tour Karen--I enjoyed it! Those beehive structures are so cool and all the scenery looks beautiful. I have been to Las Vegas, but never ventured away from there--next time, I will have to!
Great job!! I had no idea that I had been pronouncing it wrong all this time & it took a New Zealander to teach me ;)
Ah, yes! Lake Tahoe has been on my list of places to visit for awhile. Seeing the photos reminds me why!
Hope you've had a fun day!
thanks for showing me there is more than vegas... love that sand mountain picture!
Glad that I've been pronouncing it correctly all along!
Daja, visiting from BATW!
That was such a great post! Thank you for an awesome tour.
God Bless Nevada! Living in Cali, we go to Nevada at least once a year. Thanks for the great tour!
ah Ms Karen, so this is where you live!
Anyway, I've been to Reno and Tahoe a couple of times already on day trips. The most memorable one was when my parents were visiting from the Philippines in April 1999 and it was their first time to see snow. They said that it was like being out of this world! :)
Wow! I have always wanted to go to Vegas just to see it, but those parks!
Nevada just moved waaaaay up the list of places to take my little one.
NeVAduh is one of my favorite states! It's so beautiful there. Haven't been in 10 years now and can't wait to get back there! Enjoy your BATW day!
A few years ago I was travelling to see my parents who were living in California at the time. The plan was for me to fly to Vegas where they would pick me up and we'd drive to LA. I remember the temperature in Dallas being around 90 (which I think is really, really hot) before I got on the plane. Then I remember walking out of the airport in Vegas and almost croaking on the spot because it was at least 400 degrees there!
Stopping by from BATW a little late. I loved your post....now i know how to pronounce your state correctly!! Who knew?? Thanks for sharing. :)
Great post! My hubby and I have a Nevada marriage license ourselves! We were married at Circus!Circus! in Las Vegas. I know, it's crazy! I also have another link to you - my hubby's new bone marrow doc is from NZ too. Thanks for the great tour!!
Stopping by from BATW, sorry a bit late. Loved the tour. Been to Vegas a couple times, would love to see more of the state. Had no idea I was pronouncing it wrong all this time.
Thanks for the introduction to Nevada!!!
Wow, I wanna go! Great post - enjoyed the pictures! Found you by way of BATW
I really want to visit. Amazing.
My sister and her husband spent almost a whole year there in Zealand, working and exploring. They LOVED it.
Oops, I just realized I typed New Zealand. I meant Nevada. Really. I'm not drinking, I promise! I'm just blog-buzzed. lol
The balloon races look beautiful. My heart is with Nevada - I was married there. Great tour for BATW!
Very interesting tour - thank you!!!
Hi, found you via Diet coke's blog and I really enjoyed reading! Thanks. Oh, I had been saying Nevaarrrda....but not any more! :)
I lived in Las Vegas for 12 years. Visitng you brought back memories....
Holy cow! Do you always have this many comments?! Nicely done; I enjoyed it. We have talked about going to Burning Man for years, but otherwise, I've never considered visiting Nevada. Lake Tahoe seems to be calling my name, though. Do you have to be rich to vacation there?
Another BATW visitor here! Thoroughly enjoyed the tour...thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the trip from BATW!! I didn't know there were people saying the name of the state wrong. I always said it right (yay me) but now that I saw that video, I might second guess it! LOL...
I haven't spent much time in Nevada. We've been wanting to go on a family vacation to Tahoe. Hopefully we can soon. Thanks for the tour!
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