Hello all. My appreciation and love to those that have enquired as to why I haven't been updating.
I sort of went AWOL for awhile. Not sure why. Probably a combination of a number of things. I found myself logging on to my blog and sitting there staring at it and wondering what the heck I was going to write. Not sure why.
School has been extremely stressful, with the class numbers growing (32 in the Kindergarten class!!) and this year seeming to have more problem kids than previous years. Roll on the next couple of weeks, when we have the official head count and the possibility of an extra teacher and a reduction in class size!!
I've also had a general feeling of blahness. The seasons are beginning to change and fall is on the way. I'm really looking forward to the cooler weather as we have had a long, hot and dry summer. However, I'm beginning to wonder if I have some sort of mood disorder that is bought on by the transition from summer to fall as thinking back, I've noticed a change in my mood, about this time of the year, in the past. Doesn't last to long, but it's a pain in the rear while it's in residence.
Anyway ... what ever the reason for my general composure at the moment, I've decide that I need to pull myself up by my bootstraps and say, in my best Arnold impression .... 'I'M BAAAAAAACK' :-)
I was going through my photos and found this one, taken about 12 years ago, of my daughter and I, on a mechanical bull thing, at the local rodeo. Not the most flattering photo that I've had taken of me !!! Plus, I was kind of worried that I'd either fall off the back of the thing as it went backwards or squash my daughter as it went forwards !!!

My family has been responsible for me riding a few odd things. A few years after this was taken, it was a camel. Yes folks, I rode a real, live camel !!
We were at a local Farmer's Market and my Granddaughter, Sacha, then aged about 2 1/2 spied the camel rides. However, to ride a camel at that age, the child required an adult companion. My daughter was out as was heavily pregnant. My husband had supped a couple of beers. Can't remember what my son-in-law's excuse was, probably a 'I'm not getting on that thing!'. So yours truly found herself perched way to many feet above the ground, clutching on to an extremely excited toddler!
I now fully understand why camels are called 'Ships Of The Desert'. It is possible to feel seasick while riding one. They walk with a swaying motion. It also didn't help that said toddler was shrieking, in delight 'Go faster camel, go faster!'. The camel obliged and the camel's owner, with not that many people waiting for rides, gave us a couple of bonus minutes.
I was very glad to feel the earth beneath my feet again, even if it did sway slightly for awhile!!
Somewhere, I think I have some undeveloped film of the event. That's supposing , of course, that one of my more sensible relatives, had stopped laughing long enough to actually snap a photo!!
Okay, have 40 minutes to have a shower and get out the door for another school day. At least it's one of the calmer classes today !!!!
Welcome back. I have taken a few "blog-cations" myself. And then I come back with about a million things I want to write about in one day.
Also I wanted to tell you how much I respect you because of all the service you give at the schools. As a mother, I have volunteered many hours, and have many more to go. I know how much those harried teachers need our help, and how much the kids benefit from it. So thank you.
Now that is an awesome picture! You are workin' that hat! Not to mention your daughter is so pretty.
Great picture! So glad to see you're back.... I just love your posts! You've got a very beautiful daughter!
Welcome back.. Take as much time as you need. We will be here whern you return...always!
Great picture! It looks like you are having lots of fun.
So that's where you have been. Bull riding. Camel riding. Did you catch an elephant too? :-)
I am so thankful to have a digital camera. No more misplaced rolls of film. Or when we went to the beach this summer, none of my underwater camera rolls turned out. They were either smeared with sunscreen or they leaked.
Sorry I didn't even miss you! I have been so busy moving house I have not read any blogs for almost 2 weeks! Hope you feel like blogging again!
Glad you are back and blogging!! That's a great pic on the bull--I've never been on one of those. Never been on a camel either--but I get so motion sick I'm not sure I could!!
What a wonderful memory - actually BOTH of your riding memories are cool! I would LOVE to ride a camel. You can bet not many people can say they have done that.
Glad you're back.
I'm sorry for your blahness. I hope you get some more help in your classroom and smaller numbers too.
That picture of the mechanical bull is great! I've never ridden one. And, I didn't know you could get seasick on a camel. Very interesting!!
Hi Karen! I am so glad to see you back. Sometimes it's good to unplug for awhile..it gives you perspective.
I cannot believe you have 32 kids in that K class. We have a max limit allowed in the county of 25 and I thought that was alot!
You are such an adventurous fun lady....and that's why we are hitting Nevada the week of Sept 16 on Blog Around the World and I want you to be one of my spotlighted bloggers. Are you up for it??? Click on my profile and send me an email. I'll give ya the details.
Love the picture -- AND the camel story!
I LOVE fall, so I get excited at this time of the year.
Blog your way out of it, woman!! :) (No charge for the free "medical" advice.)
Yay--you are back. I missed you! Especially now that I know you are a bull riding expert!
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