Thursday, 14 May 2009

Skywatch Friday - Desert Weather.

My first entry in Skywatch ... so I went into my archives.

A couple of weeks ago, we went fossil hunting near Hazen, NV.

The area that we were in, was the bed of an ancient lake, that existed about 9000 years ago, called Lake Lahontan. This part of the Nevada desert is rich in gypsum and fossils.

When we left Reno, it was raining. However, out in the desert, while the clouds were dark and glowering, it stayed dry though a little windy.

The desert sky certainly had a wild beauty about it, that day, which matched the land underneath it ..

( Click on any photos to enlarge. )

Meesha, surveying the vastness of it all ..

Disused gypsum mining pit ..

Looking towards the far off mountains, as the sky darkens. Still didn't rain on us, though !

Go to SKYWATCH for views of the sky from all over the world !


Guy D said...

Great shots Karen, the last one is my favourite.

Have a great week
Regina In Pictures

Jane said...

The last one looks like there is a storm brewing, lovely shots cute dog thank you for sharing:)

Dewdrop said...

Welcome to Sky Watch!!! Great contributions! I have never seen desert except in movies and in pictures, but you captured a certain feel that is new to me. Amazingly dramatic skies!

Unknown said...

Nice set of photos! Love the last one.

Tarolino said...

I love the drama in these photos and the desolation of the landscape. The last one is particularly impressive. Welcome to SWF. You've certainly started with some great entries.

Rune said...

Welcome to SkyWatch! Great pictures with very nice lighting and beautiful colors!

Audun said...

Great shots. Welcome to SKF

Photo Cache said...

Wow, that's great especially the last one. I'm not too far from Reno so how far is this from Reno?

Welcome to Skywatch. Enjoy.

SaraG said...

Beautiful photo's!
Take care and Happy SWF.

Bim said...

Fabulous photos - I like all three a lot.

Gramma 2 Many said...

Never heard of skywatch. Going to have to check it out. The pictures are amazing. Especially the last.

Janie said...

All are beautiful skies. I just love the color in that last shot. Welcome to SWF!

Anonymous said...

I love these skies - These shots are beautiful!

Pacey said...

Great first skywatch post and Welcome to SWF. Beautiful and glorious sky out there.

Maria said...

Beautiful Pictures! I love the one with Meesha... All of the pictures have so much texture and depth! Welcome to SkywatchFriday! ~Maria

erin said...

these are lovely the deep dark skies in your last capture...
welcome to sky watch.
hve a wonderful weekend.

Chris H said...

Wow that's so cool! Love the photos.

Carol said...

Great photos...beautiful skies...I especially like the last shot with that dark and dramatic sky...

Pearl Maple said...

Congrats on deciding to join Sky Watch Friday, it really is great fun.

I found that suddenly there seemed to be more pretty and interesting skies once I took the time to notice them.

Great photos and thanks for sharing with us all.

Lee Spangler said...

Karen: Thanks for your kind comments regarding my photo. I really like your shots, especially the blue tones in the one of looking towards the far off mtns. It is peaceful and at the same time slightly ominous. Thanks for sharing

Shey said...

Fossil-hunting sounds fascinating! Would love to do that too! And most of all, you get awesome scenes and skies like these. WOW! Who can resist that? :)

Rune Eide said...

Welcome to the show!
Fossil hunting must be fun. I hope you found some before the rain set in!

Glennis said...

Nice first entry. I also prefer the final photo, I like the blue mountain in the distance.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

I especially like the first as the inclusion of the dog in the foreground adds perspective.

Arija said...

The first shot with the banking cloud is fab., the last with that glorioue deep blue, even more so.

kazu said...

Woderful clouds sky.
Great photo!

Diane AZ said...

Terrific Skywatch post :) I love all of the pictures, but the colors in the last one are fantastic!

Deborah Godin said...

Wow, those are amazing skies. They almost look like you could have had a close encounter out there!!

prkl said...

The one at the bottom is like a painting, scenery of another planet. Where it doesn't rain depite those thretning clouds. Very nice! Happy SWF!

CTG Ponies said...

Wow, that sky is ominous. Quite a contrast to the color of the ground.

jabblog said...

What drama there is in the heavens above us! Lovely sequence of photos.

Teri said...

Beautiful and interesting skies.

Happy you joined us at Skywatch.

Robin said...

That last shot has a real feel of impending drama, maybe a lightning storm?

Welcome to Skywatch Karen. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your photographs.

Summer Stock Sunday is starting soon - come check it out!

Carver said...

These are fabulous shots. I love how you showed the contrast between the ground and sky with the way you photographed it.

SandyCarlson said...

These are wonderful. I especially like the first one with the wild and the familiar.

Elisabeth's bright side said...

Very dramatic pictures. I just love all of them. Especially the blue mountain and the contrast to the desert.

ViennaDaily said...

Wonderful photos...great contrasts in each and I love how the surrounding looks so vast through the eyes of a little cutie Meesha.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Karen: Welcome aboard the Sky Watch group. These are beautiful contributions you had hidden. I love that last one with the dark mountain.

Pietro Brosio said...

Wonderful images of the desert, Karen, and the skies are fantastic!

EG CameraGirl said...

I like the contrast of the blue sky and light-coloured sand.

Maria said...

Thank you, now I can visit your blog!
The first picture is magical! All of them are great, but the first one is overwhelming. The clouds in the right corner ;)

EcoRover said...

Some awesome pics, big sky and all. We're hoping for a taste of that warm weather--have to bury a dog out in the hills Sunday, be nice if we can grill some elk steaks while everybody's gathered together.

Unknown said...

These are really cool shots. The blues in the last one are amazing. Did you do something to the photo?

I enjoyed this post. Have a great weekend.

Ingrid said...

Beautiful sky and such a lonely beach !

Gaelyn said...

Amazing and vast skies.

Thanks for stopping by.

Allison said...

Karen, these photo's are just spectacular. Truly great shots!
Awesome. There is something about desert sky's that's spectacular

Jim said...
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Jim said...
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Jim said...
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Jim said...
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Jim said...

Great scenery Karen. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Gennasus said...

Loved seeing your desert skies, it all looks so big!!

Great fossils and dogs too.

Linda said...

Amazing clouds over the desert landscape. Feels very eerie! Did you find any fossils?
Welcome to Skywatch!

Mariz said...

Welcome to Skywatch! You're in for a great ride...

Loved all your photos, the second one is my favorite. Very nice captures!

DeniseinVA said...

I am so happy you joined SkyWatch. You picked some fantastic photos to share and love your little dog.

aso said...

Hello to you from the other side of the world! Some great shots you have in your fist entry on SkyWatch! Have a nice weekend!

Thanks for visiting and commenting on my latest contribution to SkyWatch Friday - Sunset at Voldsløkka!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous skies there! I love the first - the little dog looks so tiny and lost. Did you find any fossils?

vincibene said...

Wonderful series! I love the last picture, beautiful colors!

Baruch said...

Welcome to SWF! Looking forward to seeing your weekly contributions. Fossil hunting? Sounds like great fun!

Anonymous said...

I love what meesha is doing. Looks like he's enjoying it huh. :) Great weekend to you Karen.

Mary said...

The clouds in the first shot really look like they're going to touch the ground! Awsome shots!

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Very, very beautiful photos. I love the sky in the top one, and the composition is great, too.

2sweetnsaxy said...

Wow, these are gorgeous. That sky is something else. The desert certainly has a beauty all its own.

sunnymama said...

Magnifiecent skies! The last is my favourite, I love the colours.

B i r g i t t a said...

I like your shots. Beautiful skys and beautiful landscape. My favourite is the first one :)
Have a nice week!

Happily Retired Gal said...

WOW ... Each of these is WONDERFUL! I'll look forward to future desert sky views here ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

What a group of steadily more ominous-looking sky shots.

Thanks for your comments at My Field of Vision.