A friend of mine has this cat, who is a little shy..
He thinks that nobody can see him...
But he kind of sticks out, don't you think... :-)
She has quite a menagerie at her place, including these magnificent PEACOCKS (click on 'peacocks' to see them.)
For more animal antics,head over to CAMERA CRITTERS and play. :-)
I love how he flattened his ears as if that would help him hide. Cats are so silly.
I am so laughing ... and missing being a cat owner (child has allergies). You have a lovely family, as well - and no, your daughter does not look 30 (ish) at all! She couldn't be the mother of all those children, could she? Thanks for visiting my blog.
The kitty is so pretty. I love cats. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope to get to know you better.
For animals that don't like water, cats seem to spend a good amount of time in sinks. My mom's cat loved the sink...he'd paw the faucet and drink from it!
So cute!!! My mom's cat loves to hang out in the sink.
Cats are so funny ~ love this pic of him "hiding."
He's a gorgeous cat :) And I loved the peacock post, they are beautiful - both the real and the fake ones.
I had to look closely to see him Sandy
That's hilarious!! I love it!
What cat? I don't see a cat.
Just what my cat did! Lovely! Cats are so endearing and funny at the same time.
So cute!
Awww too cute! I have a cat that likes the sink too for some reason :)
We used to have a cat who sat in the fruit basket, way up on top of the fridge. My dad used to say, "Look! He's hatching the bananas!"
he is such a funny little guy
I love the looks cats give us :)
the peacock photos were amazing!
My sister's cat used to do that.
Thanks for stopping by :)
Cat? I don't see a cat! LOL!
He's a pretty one. Our cat likes to hang out on the sink. Usually she wants someone to run some water in it so she can play in it - or just look at it and purr. She's a strange one.
that is very cute, I had a cat just like this as a child.
Love the cat- What a sweet face. Lucky friend!
How cute - mine sits there and waits for you to turn on the water so she can have a "fresh" drink! Thanks for visiting.
Wow...that cat is so gorgeous!! Mine likes to sit in the handbasin too but he doesn't fill it like that! Thanks for visiting us :o)
Slobbers xx
Reminds me of the poem, Cats can sleep anywhere and everywhere. :)
What a funny cat!
The kitty in the sink is great--he looks very comfortable there!
And I love the peacocks!! They are so beautiful--I wish I could have then just roaming around my property!
That is so funny. Our cat gets in the funniest places to "hide" from the dog, like we can't see him. lol
Very cute!
That is just too cute!
I LOVE that cat in the sink. Hilarious. And those peacocks are GORGEOUS. I thought the ones in the house were real!!
Maybe the kitty thinks its dirty and wants a bath. It does hide in there well from a distance. Nice photo.
Oh that is so cute, my Siamese cat loves to lay in the sink
So cute!
:P Silly kitty.
He thinks he is hiding, but if someone turns the water on, it will be an unpleasant surprise.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I don't think that horning a tree will break an antler that is firmly attached yet unless the animal is very violent, but you are correct that it will cause them to come off when they are less firmly attached.
Karen: Sometimes animals think in strange ways.
Looks like its bath time but I doubt it. Cute capture!
he has a 'keep off my space' look! lovely capture!
Teddy, when he was a kitty, used to curl up in the bathroom sink and on a large ceramic bowl on the dining room table. This brought back good memories. Thank you!
My cats have always been *sink sitters*. Never have quite figured that one out. I can drive them batty by letting just a little drip at a time come out of the faucet...
I have a friend with a cat that likes the bathroom sink, as well. Too funny!
hehehe hello kitty! what are you doing there? you're so cute..
Hehehe - that's cute! I hope you didn't need to wash your hands.
To a cat, a nap's a nap, no matter the location or bed! My cats use to do that when they were young, but I haven't seen them do it in years.
How adorable!! One of our cats does that too!! They are so funny!
How adorable!! One of our cats does that too!! They are so funny!
Or he takes himself for a house decoration, the first picture is priceless !
That is funny. Great pictures!
lol he doesent look too happy to be having his picture taken does he !!!
thanks for stopping by my cc :)
Hysterical that he thinks he is hiding! Beautiful kitty!
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