Clouds are providing welcome coolness and a change from a hot, blue and dry sky. I never thought, until I came to Reno, that I'd be bored with constant sunshine !!

Bright berries are appearing ....

The leaves on trees, bushes and vines are turning glorious shades of red, orange and yellow...

And Scarecrows and other decorations are appearing on house porches and in front yards ...
All this points to Autumn having arrived. One of my favourite times of the year !
What's your favourite time ?
I have to say summer! I like being warm. Autumn is the pitts cos it means winter is around the corner! At least now we are in Auckland Winters won't be so darn cold! I'm glad you are enjoying the clouds...
Autumn for me too! I live in Florida so it's not the same Autumn some people have, but I still love it.
Summer is a close second, I love the beach, springs, pools, etc and all of the fun summer activities.
I LOVE autumn! It's one of the best times of the year & also one of the prettiest! Glad you're cooling down there!
I love your decorations. You're way ahead of me as I haven't even found where I stored mine!! Oh well, you've presented some good inspiration and now I've got to go hunting.....AFTER I install a toilet.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
I love the idea of autumn. Love the idea of cooler weather. The colors of the leaves. But the reality is that here in Atlanta, it doesn't cool down until winter. We have leaf colors - but not until almost November. And there is so much Pine here, it's still green most of the time. Except with our drought, everything is dead and rust colored.
I just wish it was seasonable. That it was cool in the fall. And that we would get some snow in the winter.
Chris H - That was the one thing that I did like about living in Auckland - mild winters. :-)
Dysfunctional Mom - I love summer too, however temps in the high 90's and low 100's are way to hot for me !!
Jen B - I'm glad things are cooling down as well and we may see snow icing the mountains this weekend !!
Suzanne - I'd like to say that they were my porch decorations, but they're not. It was taken at a friend's house. I'm a the same stage that you are, sans installing the loo. Good luck with that !!
Kat - The seasons are funny here as well. Spring and Fall seem to be really short. I'm pretty sure that after a few days of cool, things will heat up again. I'm just enjoying it while I can :-)
I have gotta get me some cute little scarecrows like that. Oh and you may want to replace the corn in the basket with candy ... no trick or treater likes corn. ;0 In my neighborhood you'd get tp'd for that ... just a heads up. ;0
Thanks for visiting & have a great weekend!
You know...yesterday my youngest was saying that the sky was pretty. It was really cloudy and thought that was a weird comment. Your pictures shows me that she was right!! Thanks!
Staci here from Oklahoma....JUST now getting around to spreading the love from my big day in the spotlight :) Thanks for stopping by...I'm glad you felt that way...that it felt like you were just sitting at my table chatting! That makes me feel very good :) Great pictures! Fall is my favorite too :) I'll have to come back and read...but for now...I'm off to tell everyone thanks for making my day so special! Have a great weekend :)
OH! I just LOVe the fall too! My absolutel favorite time of year (even if there are less flowers) I just love the smells, temp., colors, foods, everything!LOVE these pics!!!!
I love the sky in the first photo!!! I like all the seasons as they come...and then I wait for the next one!
Fall. Definitely love fall! And your pics! What gorgeous pics you have taken.
Spring, I love the spring flowers, the blossoms, the new lambs playing in the paddocks . The fact that our garden looks probably at it's best before the Summer dries it out.
Also like Summer and the heat, the beach, aqua sessions in the outdoors.
I hate the cold:-(
I am SO looking forward to the cooler months and halloween... :)
Oh I love all your pics--the cloud ones and the fall berries--beautiful!!
Hands-down, fall is my favorite season. love every minute of it!!
Gorgeous sky photos! This is my favorite time of year. I've just started seeing decorations up in neighborhoods around here. Our weather is finally cooler in the mornings but still gets hot during the day. Bring on the ice and snow, I'm ready for cold weather!!
As trite as it sounds, I love all the seasons! I hope I never have to live somewhere that doesn't really have all four. But, I have to say, I think Fall may be my favorite. It is sooo beautiful! Great pictures, Karen.
I tagged you for a meme on my blog so be sure to check it out! Have a great week!
I love fall as well... I also LOVE summer here in Norway... it never really makes it above 80 & the sun shines between 20-24 hours a day...
Sigh... I am ready for summer already..
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