Watch out when you enter the spare bedroom though. That big yellow sign, on the door, saying 'BEWARE OF FALLING BOXES' is there for good reason. The stacks became a little unstable after our last earthquake....

Meet Sparky on the right and Meesha on the left.
Believe it or not, they are half brother and sister. They share the same Mum, but obviously not the same Dad. They love attention, so as you can see, they're waiting impatiently.
I've been rushing around madly, getting ready, as I didn't get too much warning that you'd all be descending on me. However, that was a good thing. It didn't give me anytime to procrastinate. :-)
Once you've finished the tour, come on back to the Dining room, where I have a taste of good old Kiwi hospitality set up for you. We are big on Morning and Afternoon tea over there. Something I kind of miss, here in the US.

There are scones, topped with jam and cream. Very delicious.

Sponge cake sandwiched together with jam and cream, Also Pavlova, a wonderful meringue like concoction ...

Plenty of tea and coffee ....

The table is fair groaning with food ... so eat, drink and be merry !!!
SITS rocks and so do all you SITSTA'S !!
What a fun blog...I love your featured posts! You are hilarious! Gotta love a blog with food AND humor! Congrats on being such an amazing SITSta!
Good morning, SITSta!
I am still giggling over the fact that your dogs are even related, much less siblings! I'm in love with Meesha.
Quite a spread you prepared for us!
I really enjoyed your blog! Hope you had a great day with a lot of SITSta visitors today!
AArgh.. all that food! I'm feeling really hungry now! Snack time!
Hi Karen,
I just joined SITS and I'm learning my way around. May take me awhile, but, hopefully, I'll get the hang of it. Anyhow, I really enjoyed reading your blog...I love the way you write! The food looks scrumptious!!
Hope you have a wonderful day!! :)
Good morning, Karen! So glad it's your featured day. Hope you enjoy your day in the spotlight!
COngrats on being queen for the day and how appropriate you are serving scones !!! Am enjoying your blog! have a glorious day! Karyne
Good Morning, what a lot of food eye candy to start the day! :)
I have to say I love your layered potato recipe, yum!
Good Morning! Oh my goodness I am overwhelmed by your gracious hospitality. I'm new to SITS and looking forward to meeting lots of new bloggers. I stopped for coffee before I clicked over and I'm headed straight for that delicious spread you've prepared. Congrats on being a featured SITSta!
Love your blog! Nice array of snackies you got there!
Your dogs are adorable! How we love our fur babies. Great blog...congrats on your day to shine!
I gained 25 pounds looking at all those desserts and I'm still hungry! YUM
Oh, Karen...this post is why I dig you. Indeed. Enjoy your SITS deserve all the love you'll receive today!
Thanks for the tour! The pups are precious & all of the food looks delicious!
Congrats! Now I am so hungry after seeing such great pics of food!
mmmm...lovely treats you set out for us! Enjoy your SITS day:)
Those scones look awesome. My stomach is grumbling. Have a great day - I enjoyed SITS posts!
happy sits feature day. and YUM.
You have a wonderful blog. Thank you for all the treats. They were very delish.
I'm pretty sure I gained 10 pounds just LOOKING at all that wonderful food!
Good morning and congratulations famous SITtsa!
That pavlova seems to be calling me name. It looks like a good breakfast to me.
Your food looks delicious - this gluten fee mommy is drooling on her keyboard!
Congrats on your Featured Bloggerdom! I was an FB last week, and it's a whole lotta fun, isn't it?
YUM. That was a nice way to start the day!
Hey SITSta! Such a fun blog, can't wait to look around some more.
Wow that all sounds so fancy :) It looks pretty delish too. My cousin is from England and he LOVEs hot tea. He got me hooked :)
Congrats on your SITS feature.
Fun blog! I love it, and I can't wait to try your recipes. Not sure where to start!
My, my... my mouth is watering. Fun blog... Enjoy your SITS day!!
Love your post! What is Pavlova - it looks absolutely YUMMY!
Hope you have a wonderful day.
Enjoyed your blog! I am going to check out those recipes on your sidebar. Oh, and congrats on being a FB on SITS! I am new to SITS, learning and loving it!
Ooo, those look like yummy treats, thanks.
Enjoy your day!!!
I thought this blog was called "weight LOSS". There is no way I'm gonna be losing any weight here, no sir.
Hope you have a great feature day!
Now I'm off to read your posts.
OOh a proper cream tea :) You do spoil your visitors. I love your blog and the layout. Hope you get lots of comments today :)
MMMM I'm so hungry now!
I came over from SITS and had to tell you that one of my best friends is a Kiwi!
Enjoy your day (or, night, now...).
Seriously, I am soooooooo drooling right now...excuse me, I don't want to drip on your dining room table! :)
Well good morning SITSta! I love a good cup of tea with great friends... I am gonna check out this blog of yours and see what else you have in store for us!
Make it a great day!
I am so glad you are the SITS feature of the day!! YAY you!! You always do such a good job! Enjoy your day!
Wow you and your blog and your pups are so COOL! I'm no officially one of your followers.
I'm trying to lose weight so any advice would be great. Its weird cause im a newbie cancer survivor and lost SOOOOO much when I was sick. I was a triple 0. I tried to pack on the wight to save my life and now I'm not very happy with where im at.
Love your site and will be visiting often
Congrats on being featured! Let's have some tea. ;)
Congrats on the SITS feature! I have a poodle who looks just like Sparky!
Oh scones! My favorite! WHY aren't we big on Morning and Afternoon Tea in the States? I don't get it! I would love that.
Glad to find you through SITS. Looking forward to coming back.
I'm officially hungry now...Have a happy SITS day!
I love your blog and those eats look so yummy! I am impressed because my baking skills leave much to be desired!
Congrats on being featured! So glad I got to stop by and visit. Those scones look fantastic... maybe I'll make some this weekend. ;)
Oh my goodness, that is good looking food! YUMMY!
Ahhh I haven't had breakfast today and all that food looks so good.
Your blog is oh so yummy!
Oh, your food looks so yummy! It's making me hungry. I guess its time for breakfast. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and food with us, I'll be over in 10!! lol
Love your blog. Sconces are my absolute favorite. All that food is making me really hungry. Congrats on being FB.
Fabulous post! Fabulous eats! Fabulous YOU! Thank you for sharing! Your hospitality will become blog famous!
Congrats on your SITS day! Those food photos made me hungry!
hello, happy thursday!! i like your blog, you have neat stuff
I'm new to SITS and having a great time "meeting" new friends.
I'm moving in with you if you make food like that all the time :)
You did an opening post! I am so glad that all my words of wisdom last night paid off *snort*. Have fun with all your comment love. I'll be back later to see you best posts. Because now I must go and find something that will fill the need for a pavlova. Or scones. Or something...
Hey Karen!
Thanks so much for hosting us all today! The food looks amazing and I am drooling,lol. The puppies are SO cute! How do you like living out in Nevada? I'm pretty new at this SITSta thing but am so thrilled to be meeting other mommas like myself and checking out all their blogs. Congrats on being the queen today!!!
Great yummy images!
Congratulations on your SITS day!! How exciting!! OMG that food all looks so good--I'm ready to try it all!
hey there!
mmmm! good looking stuff and darling blog!
cheers SITSa!
u are starving me to death! gee thanks... yum yum yum!
Love your blog!!!
Ohh..and now I'm hungry for pastries!!!
What a wonderful blog! Congratulations on the spotlight of the day! Everything looks WONDERFUL!
Oh man, just what I needed this morning: yummy food!! Great blog, I'm loving it.
Thank you for the tea and the lovely welcome to your blog! Although I will have to go fix me something to eat now, everything looks too delicious!
Nice to meet a fellow SITsta!
I am so glad you are getting your big day in the sun!!! Enjoy every bit of it, Karen. You deserve it! xoxoxoxooxo
Congrats on being our SAUCY SITSa today! And thanks for the warm welcome - everything looks delicious!
A woman after my own heart -- lover of animals and sweets! Yummy! I want some cake now!!
Have a wonderful day, and great to "meet you"!
Thanks for inviting me over for the delicious spread :-). You have a great way of writing!
Came over from SITS...
WTG on being the featured blogess on SITsa! You have a very fun blog and it was great to poke around and read.
Have a great day!
Yummm, I love hot tea. I can't believe your furbabies have the same mother! They look nothing alike. How funny.
I'm so glad you're having your SITS day!! Enjoy all the comment love, you totally deserve it!!
Congrats on being featured today! Much Love
Your blog is a delight to read...You truly deserve to be featured today!! Congrats and I can't wait to come back and read more...BTW your spread looks delish...can you send me some??
I'd love some tea and scones! Thank you! :-)
I'll take a cup o' Joe', and some of those will get yucky in the are such a tease!! I will be praying for some peace to come your way with your big decisions! Good luck!
What fun! I love this blog! HAPPY SITS DAY!!!!
Congratulations on your SITS feature today. I hope you enjoy your day in the sun:-) I love the yummy treats:-)
Hey SITSta!!!! You've totally made me hungry just by looking at this yummy stuff!!!
If you could just give me directions to your house, I'll be over in a minute! :-)
Way to be SITSa of the day!!
Are ya trying to KILL me with all the delicious no-nos??? Your blog is yummy!!!
Yum yum yummy, I just want to crawl right in.
Excuse while I wipe up the drool from the floor.
Sorry, I usually don't leave messes like that.
Thanks for the mental feast!!
Congrats to you on being the FB!
Now I need to lay down to let all this food settle. Check back with me in two or three days, k?
Love it!
um...I'm feeling kinda hungry for some reason!!
Congrats on being the SITS blog of the day! Have a great day!
Congratulations on being the featured blogger of the day! I'm sure you're going to fill many SITSta's tummys today with all that fabulous food!!!
What a great blog you have
Oh My Yummy Goodness!!!! Those sweets look soooooo good.
Congrats on being the SITS featured blogger. :)
I love your blog! But note to self...don't come to the blog if hungry or will want to eat a bunch of things that are not on your diet and will think about them all day long!
What a yummy blog! I'm so hungry now! Cute little furry faces too!
Wow! That food looks yummy. Have a Blessed Day!
Great blog!! Those desserts look sooooo good; even though I had never heard of any of them. Congrats on being the featured blog today!!
yuuuuuummmmmmmm! I think I gained 5 lbs just looking at those photos. but it was worth it.
congrats on not only being picked to be the blog of the day, but good for you on the weight loss... I am trying too, well, not really trying yet, but thinking about getting started.,...all those pics pof food made me hungry!!!
Enjoyed perusing your blog today.
All that food looks sooo good :)
Wow...I totally picked a rotten time to stop by: On hour after I SHOULD HAVE had a healthy, low Points lunch.
Everything looks delicious. I'm a real tea lover. Enjoy all of your visitors today!
Am I to early for afternoon tea? Those treats look so yummy! Enjoy your day!!
CONGRAT'S on your SITS day!
L.O.V.E the doggies! Super cute!
Hey come check out my new giveaway, it's a goodie!
Good afternoon from Texas! Thanks for having us over. Great blog :) Congrats on your SITS day!
Congrats on SITS! All that food looks so yummy. I would love one of those scones right now.
Fun blog, glad to meet you!
Loved the "tea table" and food! Your doggies are so cute! Nice to meet you!
holy crud - talk about turning my weight loss right around, just looking at all those nummies has be craving something sweet! Off to chew a whole pack off gum. I love your blog (and your missionary moment had me rolling).
Yum. I just had lunch but I wanna eat again :D
Oh!! I want to come to your house so badly! That food looks "to die for".
I just joined SITS yesterday, so I´m learning my way around and hope you are enjoying all the comment "love" coming your way. Have a great day!
OMG!! that food looks divine! great blog!
Ohh didn't need to see all those cakes LOL now I'm hungry...
BTW awesome blog :)
Congrats on being saucy!
Congrats on your big SITS day! Those goodies look delicious! I'm hungry!
Oh my gosh you're making me sooooo hungry. Those scones with jam and creme look divine! Yummy. I'm new to SITS and I'm so glad I got to drop by :) I must go bake now!
Yumm, now I'm hungry. There must be a way to get some of those scrumptious goodies through this monitor. I'm a new SITSta.
Swisher Sweetie (Wendy)
Oh my gosh, you are making me sooo hungry. Those scones with jam and creme look divine. Yummy! I'm new to SITS and I'm so glad I got to drop by. I have to go bake now - and have a cup of tea :)
I've always wanted to try Pavlova. I've heard it's so good and seen it made on a few cooking shows. Can't wait to read your blog and congrats on being the blog of the day!!
That spare bedroom??? Move those boxes, I am moving in if you keep all those yummy treats on hand.
Congrats on your SITS day! The furbabies are awfully cute. When I move in they can sleep on my bed with my kitties. That should make for a good nights sleep.
LOVE that those two cuties are related!thanks for all the good treats-I won't be stepping on the scale today :)
You most certainly are a wonderful hostess setting all that food out for us. I enjoyed my visit! :)
Wow! What an exciting "party," Karen! I'm happy for you. got it goin' on with that spread. Wanna be my friend? I love me some friends that can whip up a feast like that.
Blessings to you!
What a great read. You will be seeing more of me.
Yea! Happy SITS day! I am looking forward to reading more of your blog!
I have NEVER laughed harder over a blog post than I did over your mortifying moment!!!! Oh my laws....that was so good. (Probably because it is my worst nightmare.) I have to link it on my blog, hope you don't mind. It just may be my favorite post of all time, ever!
I'm drooling just looking at your photos of the yummy treats. I bet I gained ten pounds just now! :)
You had me at cream.
Way to go on your feature. You did a great job at making me very hungry. Now I want something sweet and yummy to dip in a good cup of joe.
Hi! You are the first SITsta I've every visited and I have to say that you are very hospitable!
I enjoyed your blog! Hope to visit again soon.
Ok, now I'm hungry ;-) Your dog looks exactly like my dog!
okay, well now i gotta get up and eat a snack before moving on through your blog. nice to meet you!!!
okay, me again. i just noticed your weight loss ticker over there... you need to put away some of those snacks that include cream and sugar and break out the apples and carrot sticks (or were you hoping all of these visitors would polish off these goodies so you won't have to eat them?
i am on a mission to lose 100 lbs and have only 36 to go!!! stop by sometime to meet me. :-)
Hello and nice to meet you! Lovely blog, I almost licked my screen those photos looked SO yummy!! Now I'm off to raid my kitchen, thankyouverymuch ;-)
I have had fun checking out your the picture of the fur babies picture. My dogs often stare at me when I'm on the computer.
Congrats on your SITs day in the sun!
Congrats on your day! My sister's mother-in-law is from NZ. I'll have to point her in your direction. Love your blog!
OOOOOOHHHHH, thank you for the tea and treats. They were yummy...congratulations on being saucy as well:)
Hello, what a lovely blog you have here. I have felt right at home. And OMG! The FOOD! Your doggies are adorable...but I can't believe their really related!
Yum, pictures of food! Looks delicious :) Sure wish I wasn't on a diet.
You have an absolutely wonderful blog. And what a spread you put out for us--It looked so yummy that I started to lick the computer screen. (unfortunately for some reason it didn't taste as good as it looked) Don't let my name fool ya, I'm a saucy SITSta too!
Drool, Drool!
Am I grabbing the last of the goodies?
Congrats on being featured today, SITSta!
Oooh, coffee, tea and goodies!!! LOVE it here!!! Congrats on being the main SITsa today!!!
Love your furkids....soooo adorable!
It looks so good..I am coming right over!!!
I love your blog and I hope you had a great day!
Great blog, congrats on being featured!
How sweet of you for putting out such a nice spread for us...I'd love tea, thank you...oh, and I'll have...oops sorry- got a little excited over all the jam and cream it seems you Kiwi's like in your desserts!! Mmmmm, me too! Maybe I was a Kiwi in a past life?
Off to snoop around your blog, don't mind me-I'll be careful not to spill my tea!
Congrats on being the FB @ SITS!
LOVE finger foods! Looks like a good party!
Congrats on your SITS day!!
Awww! I feel so welcome!
What a great blog.....I enjoyed reading the featured posts and even a few others!
AWWW... awesome blog. Congrats on the featured blog.
Yumm! I think I need to go make a snack.
Very creative blog! :)
OK, Karen, I just gained ten pounds LOOKING at all that cream and jam. YuMMM!
It's finally your day--you must be about the most deserving ever!
Hope you've had a great day!
oops, i just drooled on my laptop! thanks for the eye candy treats! yum-o!
What beautiful food fotos! ( I promise, I hardly ever spell it with an 'F'. It just seem to fit this occasion! :p )
uh YUM :)
Okay, those goodies look GOOD!!! Is there anymore left?!
I'm a few days late, but can't wait to look around. Have any leftover goodies for a SITSta?
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