What a day yesterday was!!! I'm really feeling the bloggy love. :-) Thanks to one and all. I'll be thanking you all personally, over the next day or so.
Just one thing. I found this under the couch when I was cleaning up this evening. Did anyone see anybody limping down the driveway, wearing one red shoe? Just curious ...

I can't say it enough SITS rocks as do all of you !! Hugs and Smooches and many thanks. :-)
Now, on to my Fave Fing to do on Friday !!
It's Friday and it's a Fiesta !! At least it is, thanks to Candid Carrie ! :-)
Snapped these today, while taking Taylor to her karate lesson. My camera's battery went terminal on me yesterday, so I took these using the hubby's camera. Still finding my way round his.

Can you imagine what it must have been like to push this plow behind an ox or a horse? Farm work, was definitely work in those days...

I used filtered Black and White for this photo. I rather liked the effect it had on all the shadows. That saw looks as if it must have been wicked sharp !!!
Amazing to think that it was probably crafted by hand..

I like the old fashioned look that sepia gives this pump and wagon wheel. If it wasn't for the car passing by, you'd almost think this was taken way back when...

They really must have had well padded derrieres in those days. Just imagine bouncing along a rutted road on one of those seats.
Not sure what this is. It appears to have a seat in front. Some type of covered box in the middle and a seat sticking out behind.

There were actually seven old bathtubs sitting in a row. These are just two of them.
They're kind of cute, in a faded way..

There is something aboutthis photo that appeals to me. The shadows ... the marking on the stones ... the colour of the grass....
Have a great day all, and go check out the rest of the participants at CANDID CARRIE'S !!:-)
Thanks for dropping by my site. I just love your photos - especially that last one!
I like the sepia one a lot:-)
Those are great! The sepia one is my favorite.
Great photos, Karen.
And congratulations on your very successful "open house" yesterday!
I am so glad that you had a fabulous time! It's hard keeping up with your in box :-)
And the pictures - just great. Part of it just cracked me up though. Because I think of our HOA. And how you are not to have broken down cars in your drive way or on the street. But I wonder what they would say about broken down wagons? :-)
Those are WONDERFUL pictures!! Old stuff is so fun to photograph
There is good reason why the Lord didn't have me living in pioneer times. I would've died a sorry death.
Wonderful pictures :)
by the way I launched my coffee site today, open and ready for orders :) If you want to check it out go to www.getthebean.com.
Also, we are doing GIVEAWAYS for the rest of this month. To enter visit www.getthebean.blogspot.com :)
Have an awesome weekend!
Great journey through the photos! Thanks for sharing!
congrats on the feature!
Great photos! The black & white it my favorite!
I like the tubs, my grandma had one.
Sorry I missed your SITS day, I am just now catching up.
I am so behind on SITS... sorry I missed your day in the spotlight.
Thank you for the birthday greeting... my wish came true!
Thanks for stopping by my blog - isn't SITS amazing? I'm still pooped out from Tuesday's craziness!
I really like your blog and look forward to reading more of your posts...
Have a great weekend!
:^) Anna
Thanks for commenting on my page! Also, I love the photos. Especially the ones of the old bath tubs and the wagon wheel. I didn't even notice the car passing in the background till you pointed it out!
great photos!! happy Saturday!! :)
Great shots. What great things to take pics of.
Nice pix. Love the shadow cast by the grass. THanks for visiting my site.
Those pics are great! I LOLed at the bathtub one though b/c it reminded me of that wacky Viagra commercial when the couple is out in the middle of the field in two bathtubs!
Great photos! Thank you for visiting my blog!
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