Jennifer at BARRICK TIMES tagged me. I'm supposed to tell y'all seven weird or random things about me, so you can get to know me better.
Which explains Marie Osmond and the kids, above ...
1 ... I have a crooked pinkie finger on my right hand. I fell off the top of a slide and broke it when I was a kid. It healed crooked. Which wouldn't have been a problem, except this TV show called 'The Invaders' came out in the mid 60's . The way you could tell if someone was an alien, was by their crooked pinkie and green blood if you pricked them. I became a human pin cushion.
2 ... Sometimes I'm a procrastinator. Every so often I'll leave things to the last minute. However, I often do my best work then, when I'm under pressure. I really do try to be organised. Things seem to be more likely to go wrong, though, when I'm in organised mode.
3 ... I have a weird sense of humour. Sometimes I just open my mouth and funny things pop out. However, If I try to be funny, it doesn't work...
4 ... I'm a passionate advocate for women and children who are victims of domestic and sexual violence. I'm also a survivor of both of those types of violence. I'm also unapologetic about directing most of my energy towards helping women and children. I am well aware that men can also be victims of these types of crimes. I have helped male victims in the past and they have received, from me, the same measure of compassion that I gave to the women and children I worked with. However, in my experience, men often have resources, etc that women and kids don't have, which is why my focus is mainly on them.
5 ... As a young kid, I and a group of friends, stuffed a neighbour's wooden letterbox full of firecrackers and blew it up. We were lucky we weren't killed, as that letterbox literally exploded into wooden shrapnel. It was a small town so we got caught. The local police officer came and picked us up in his police car. He didn't say a word to us, just drove us back to the police station. He left us in the waiting room under the watchful eye of his wife, then one by one called us into his office. However, whoever went in before us, never came back! I was the last to be called and by this stage I was literally peeing my pants in fear. I got a lecture, a couple of good swats on my bum and was then sent out the backdoor to where my partners in crime were waiting. I swear, that was what kept me on the straight and narrow. Weeeeelll, except for...
6 ... I'm a speed freak. No, not THAT kind of speed !!! It's the type of speed that involves my left foot .... or my right foot .... depending on what country I happen to be in. I love speed and have paid the consequences for that love, in the form of speeding tickets. I really should have been a race car driver !!!
I can see this being me in a few years !!!
7 ... I really, really miss my kids and grandkids and can't wait to see them again.
Now, I think I'm supposed to tag 7 people....
You are IT !!!
Now all I have to do is address the awards I have received ... told ya I was a procrastinator !!!!
Fun facts, Karen! I want to come stick a pin in you now to see what color your blood is...
#5 is too funny, what a great way to handle that....I can only imagine if a police officer swatted someone on the bum these days though!
"my left foot .... or my right foot .... depending on what country I happen to be in" --LOL!
You know, you never did specifically say what color blood you do have...
Thanks for the tag! I'll get on this, um, as soon as I stop procrastinating. :)
Hi! Thanks for your comments on my Lizzy for President blog... I so VERY much agree with you on your stand... I'm prolife for ME, i can't force others.. I'm not in their shoes.
neat list of random facts!!! Especially the pinky thing!
Those are interesting facts! I'm a speed freak too--I just can't help it--I HATE slowpokes!!
I am the queen of procrastinating these things. The queen. I was tagged for a seven quirks one over the summer that I have yet to do. Because they are not quirks. They are preferences.
And as for the lead foot. I am with ya. Just imagine my conversation at the tire place. Because I wanted my tires aligned. Because my car seems to vibrate at 100 miles an hour. If they didn't mean for it to go that fast, then why does the spedometer register up there?!
Thanks Karen, will do this tomorrow! Fun to read! I can relate to the speed thing!
I love this meme! It's so much fun to read about your quirks.
We share #2,#3, #4 and #6. How did we not find each other sooner?!
That was interesting...I wish more police officers would handle stuff that way now but it seems to just get bigger and bigger!
I tend to drive an old lady now!!!
Great facts! I have enjoyed learning more about you!! Thanks for all your work with the women, children (and men). What a job! Thanks too for stopping by on my BATW day!
Okay, for all those who asked ... my blodd, last time I looked, is a lovely .... bright .... red !!!!
Of course, I could always be lying :-)
Sighhhh.. BLOOD !!!!!
You are the third person to tag me on this so I guess I shall play!
I'm so sorry I'm so behind! I just now read this. You are so funny! I can't believe you got a spanking for blowing up the mailbox! I never would have guessed you to be so awnry Karen! Thanks so much for sharing!
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