So, did everybody enjoy the Blogathon yesterday?? Wasn't it so much fun !!
A big SHOUT OUT and THANK YOU to those BONZA SHEILAS over at SITS and SAUCY EATS . I'm talking , of course, about HEATHER and TIFFANY .
You totally ROCK, ladies. Take a well deserved bow !!
RHEA , over at TEXAS WORD TANGLE , recently did this POST about INDECISION .
It started me thinking about the subject, as some posts often do. As I was writing my comment to her post, I had one of those UH HUH moments, that sometimes creep up on you unexpectedly. More on that moment, later..
Indecision can sometimes play a part in the BIG and the SMALL decisions that I make in my life.
When faced with a big, life changing decision, I either research it and make a choice or I take a deep breath, hold my nose and take a flying leap into the waters of life. I think that's my Sagittarian coming to the fore. Not sure how much I believe in Astrology, but there sure are some traits that fit me !!
It's usually the smaller decisions that have me dithering about. Ask me to choose a place to go for lunch ? Good Luck !!! The friend, whom I lunch with most often, is as bad as I am. Sometimes I'm mildly surprised that we eventually pick a place...
Now, back to that EUREKA moment I had while commenting on Rhea's blog.
As some of you already know, I'm a KIWI . I've also been talking about moving home to NEW ZEALAND for awhile now.
I'm a trifle homesick and in many ways ready to go. There are some practical things that are holding the move up, the biggest one being the green stuff or lack of it. Moving household stuff and two dogs, not too mention two humans, is not cheap. However, that's surmountable, eventually...
Why am I dithering around about returning to ....
I think I came to a little bit of an understanding, when I read what popped out of my brain while I was making that comment on Rhea's blog. Below is what I wrote ...
Karen said...
Yeah ... whether to stalk Johnny Depp or not ... and ... IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT !!!!!
Usually, I'm a kind of hold your nose and jump kind of gal. I either drown or I float...
Funny thing though, the biggest decision that I'm struggling with right now is going back to NZ.
I really, really want to go, because all my family is there. However, I've also become comfortable here. This is now my comfortable and known place.
In the end, I know in my heart, that I will be going home ... but it's going to be really hard to leave home to do that.
There has been a lot of tears over this decision. One good thing though, I can take SITS with me and everyone that I've met here , will only be a mouse click away...
October 14, 2008 8:54 AM '
I think that's it in a nutshell. I've been here in the US for almost a quarter of my life. It now feels familiar. It now is home.
There are people here that have become family and good friends. Leaving them, is going to be as painful as leaving my family in New Zealand was.
I really will be leaving home to go home...
Realising all of that, doesn't mean that my indecisiveness has magically disappeared, but I think I'm starting to feel a little more at peace with the decision.
I'm aiming for next year :-)
20 hours ago
Okay. Because I am a little are aiming for next year to move back to NZ? Or are you aiming for next year to make a decision about moving back to NZ?
I am such a procrastinator. I either impulsively decided. Or never decide. Neither are good options...
I think that whatever decision you make will be the right one. I can definitely see why you would want to go back, especially if your family is there.
I love being close to my family & when the hubster & I were offered jobs & considered moving away, we ultimately made the decision to stay where we are because our family is here.
I'm glad we made that decision, too, because about a year after we decided to stay put, my mother-in-law was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. I'm so thankful we're here & have been able to help my father-in-law take care of her & also glad that we've had so much time to spend with her. I just couldn't imagine not being here & enjoying these moments with her... especially when I know that she might not be with us in a few short years.
I too have a hard time making decisions. The hardest ones for me though are the ones that involve another person. Like you said, deciding where to go for lunch, I too am amazed that we even get out of the car!
I hope everything works out for you. Congrats on being the Feature Blogger today!
Congratulations on being featured blogger for the day! Never having been to the US, can't really offer any opinion, except that NZ would take some beating. Holidayed there years ago and loved it! But I've moved heaps too, and I know what you mean about multiple homes. Leaving one for another isn't easy.
I must say, though, that you would be most welcome to come and post from the Antipodes!
That is a major decision and a tough one. Family is so important and yet what is familiar in our life is also important. Good luke with your choice!
Wow--that's a huge decision--but it sounds like the right thing to do for you! Wishing you lots of luck w/ your plans!!
I'm from the Philippines originally, and I still miss it. But Utah is home now. I'd have a hard time moving back to the Phils. now, though if we did, I would be glad for my kids sakes (so they can experience life over there, too).
Maybe not a permanent move, just a year would be great.
Either place, sounds like you will do well and make the most of it :-)
HIya! You've got my mouth watering with those pictures!
I can understand how hard it would be-- though New Zealand seems AWESOME! As far as me, I have a hard time deciding what I want at Taco Bell, so I doubt I have any words of wisdom for you. I know you will figure it out:)
Whatever decision you end up making will, unfortunately, be're leaving home to go home (as you said) so there will be both happiness and sadness in the outcome!
Maybe you're hesitant to "jump in" because the decision isn't so cut and dry, like picking a place to lunch...all that comes from that decision is if your still hungry or not in an hour! Making the choice to stay or go affects so much more than the actual "moving" part and that's probably more scary...
Sorry this got so long...good luck with whatever choice you make!
I thought it was a done deal! I didn't know that you hadn't decided! I am just glad that we will get to follow you on your journey!
I tend to sink or swim, too. NZ is so beautiful and I have always wanted to go there. I wish you all the luck with your decision.
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